
Showing posts from October, 2019
Dear Parents, It is very important that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather, including hats, gloves, mittens, etc. We do not have enough clothing to lend out to kids who need these items and we also do not have the staff to be able to supervise a lot of kids inside on colder days over lunch and recess times. We will, however, have indoor recess and lunches when temperatures reach -20 Celsius or colder including wind-chill factor. Please see our guidelines below: CBE   Cold Weather Guidelines for On-Site Activities 
 When temperatures reach -20 Celsius or colder including the wind-chill factor, it is recommended that students be kept inside for recess or lunch breaks. The minus 20 Celsius guideline is comparable to other school jurisdictions in Alberta and across Canada.   note | this temperature is provided as a guideline and may be adjusted for the school/activity.
Dear Keeler Families,  Changes to the Mathematics Report Card Descriptors  In the past two weeks, I have shared some changes to the CBE assessment framework including our work around calibration and indicator changes.  In this installment, I will outline one last major change around the mathematics section of our report card that are in effect this school year.    Please refer to the chart below:  Former CBE Indicators for Mathematics  Kindergarten - Grade 9  Understands mathematical concepts and relationships  Uses mathematical reasoning to analyze and solve problems  Explores and develops strategies for mental mathematics and estimation  Models, represents and communicates mathematical ideas  Current CBE Indicators for Mathematics Effective 2019-20  Kindergarten to Grade 1  Number – Develops number sense and applies strategies for computation and estimation...
Dear Keeler Families, Assessment Earlier in the week my message talked about our assessment calibration. In today's message I will address our Report Card Achievement Indicator Changes. In K-9, the achievement indicators (Excellent-4, Good-3, Basic-2, Not Meeting-1) signify the extent to which a student has demonstrated achievement of the Alberta Programs of Study outcomes organized into report card stems. Report card stems are categories used to organize the Alberta Programs of Study outcomes. Please see below for a breakdown of each descriptor: 1- Not Meeting 2- Basic 3- Good 4- Excellent Key Changes: Descriptor 1 – shift from “not meeting” to “beginning” Descriptors 1 and 2 will involve necessary adjustments to teacher planning and instruction. Next steps for learning will be communicated through the report card comments. Each descriptor includes a comment abo...
Hi families, I am looking forward to meeting with you this Thursday, October 24 th   from 1-8 PM to discuss your students’ growths and success. Unfortunately, I have jury duty in the morning and am unsure of when it will be finished. I am hoping to be back to school before the parent teacher conferences have started. If I am not back by your time that you have booked I will be contacting you to make sure that we can reschedule as this is an extremely important meeting for your child’s education. Please let me know if you have any questions! Gabriela Chinea
Learning Conversations When: Thursday October 24, 2019 Time: 1pm-8pm Please book online for a 15 minute slot through your PowerSchool account. Please see attached for further instructions. If you require a translator, please let me know. Thank you.
Dear Keeler parents and/or guardians, Please see our September principal message below.  A reminder that after FALL BREAK: Grade blogs will focus on classroom learning and updates (Will be updated weekly) School messenger will contain information and reminders that impact (non-commercial messages ONLY) School Twitter will be used to share learning, activities, events, etc at Keeler. School website (updated daily) & principals message (monthly) These forms of communication do not replace phone calls or face to face meetings. These are still important means of addressing concerns or questions you may have regarding your child. We encourage you to reach out to your classroom teacher should you require more personalized and specific communication. With our modified calendar, by September’s end, we have already put in nearly seven weeks of learning with our students. The students and staff have been very engaged and we are off to a great start in our 2019-2020 sch...